by Megan Durham | Feb 14, 2010
Picking up a copy of The Stranger on Friday I saw an event notice that caught my eye. It was for Dan Savage’s Valentine Day Bash and was sold as “a one-of-a-kind holiday catharsis” where members of the audience give Mr. Savage a tokens of failed...
by Megan Durham | Feb 2, 2010
It seems that whenever I think that I’m becoming a hermit events and fun things to do suddenly fill my every waking hour. These last weekends have been busy!First of all, a friend discovered and invited a bunch of us to the most interesting place up here…...
by Megan Durham | Jan 19, 2010
Today I was coming back from our service day on the bus. I was all covered with paint and tired after managing a group of middle schoolers for most of the day and settled down into a seat with my journal without any thought for the world passing me by. At least until...
by Megan Durham | Jan 18, 2010
So it used to be that MLK Day was a day off, not much else. Sure there was the obligatory speech from the principal over the announcements or a workshop in History, but really it was the day off of school that made it special. Not so in City Year. We’ve been...
by Megan Durham | Jan 6, 2010
Here I am, back from vacation and in school again. I didn’t realize how much I missed the sun until I was back swimming in it. It was wonderful being back in Tucson with the open expanse of the desert tugging at the eye and the heart, the bright border of...
by Megan Durham | Nov 25, 2009
Rarrrrrrr! Hear me roar! Let’s just start this off by saying that I absolutely HAVE to get some sleep tonight. I’m exhausted, tired beyond myself, enough that I can actually feel my thought processes slowing down… taking a moment longer than usual to...