A Deadly Haunting Part Two

How much truth is there to this story? It’s hard to be sure.  Most of the documented evidence comes from a diary written by Richard Bell.   Richard wrote the diary more than a quarter of a century after the events occurred, and he was only six at...

A Deadly Haunting- the Bell Witch of the Tennessee frontier

When you first come across references to the Bell Witch it is easy to confuse it with a certain shaky-cam movie from the nineties.  That is, until you look at the details. Here is a legend from the frontier, back when Tennessee was on the edge of the unsettled...

On the subject of words…

I think I spend too much time thinking about language. I like thinking about how words fit together and how they evolve in usage and meaning.  In fact one of the best things about my recent reading of literature from the 1920’s is seeing how words like...

Sometimes technology hates me…

My main computer is currently down for the count, leaving me with a tablet that is a tad hard to type and do work on.  So today’s post is going to be a bit threadbare.  However, I’ve been interested in radioactivity recently and have a couple of...

Interesting article from the Opinionator

I love the Opinionator in general, but this article from yesterday is a little frightening.  It’s a review of Last Call by Daniel Okrent, but it’s also a look at how modern politics mirror those at the time of Prohibition.  But the film and book...

The problem with ebooks

I believe that I’ve mentioned my love of my Kindle here before.  It’s an amazing device that allows me to never, ever be without a book.  (On a related note, I find that I also never have to talk to anyone on the bus if I don’t want to....