Spontaneity failure

I think that I’ve discovered something about myself.  It’s probably not that earth-shattering of a realization, but whenever someone figures out something about how their mind works (especially if it’s not precisely in line with how they...

Sherlock Holmes Vs. Arthur Conan Doyle

            It’s strange to face the mental pictures that we make of our favorite authors.  We each have certain expectations about the people who wrote the books we love: assumptions about how they lived their lives and the...

New story…

I seem to have a habit of writing things that I don’t really want to post up here on this blog.  But I’m going to be featured on the BePreparedPeriod.com blog within the week with a story about, you guessed it!, periods. So… yeah.  The blog...

Nappers delight!

Perhaps one of the universal constants of any young adult’s life is napping. Between parties, working to pay for school and pulling all-nighters, it’s no wonder that almost any walk through a college campus reveals students stretched out on the grass and...